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Nolato for students

Degree projects

As a student, you have a wealth of knowledge, dynamism and enterprising spirit that we want to harness. 
Nolato believes in working closely with universities and colleges. 
Why not do your degree project with us?


You learn best when you experience and try things yourself. 
If you’re at university, vocational college or upper-secondary school (and work-based learning is part of your education) you can apply for an internship at Nolato during term time.

Summer job

You can apply for a summer job/summer internship at Nolato if you are studying a subject related to our industry at upper-secondary school, vocational college or university level and are 16 or over. You get to know Nolato and we get to know you. 
Perhaps you’ll become one of our employees in future!

You can work on a wide range of things at Nolato. We offer summer jobs in production, quality assurance and projects. Work is available at our offices or on various projects elsewhere. There are also administrative service opportunities in areas such as HR, finance and purchasing. Duties vary depending on your age, experience and education. We aim to make your summer with us as engaging as possible.
If you want to know more or apply for a degree project, internship or summer job, please send your inquiry to the relevant HR contact at our companies in Sweden. You can find contact information here.