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Ceramic wearable launch on CES

2015 January 6th – 9th, Las Vegas, USA

Miragii, a HTSmartech wearable jewelry powered by Lövepac Ceramics, received thrilled interests and great success in the CES show, not only its unique innovation of interaction interface, but also the premium ceramics touch and feel. Over 20 media interviewed us and the Miragii product, Miragii got ranked as Top 5 Coolest Wearable of 2015 CES by French media.Image from event CES 2015-introducing Lövepac Ceramics in US

Lövepac, together with Tosoh Japan (World No.1 Zirconia manufacturer), devote into developing a strong platform for leading ceramic applications. We are very open to work with all innovative partners, support you utmost to create a great product just like Miragii with premium Lovepac ceramics.