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Environmental responsibility

We help combat climate change and cut our emissions by optimizing energy efficiency, increasing the level of renewable energy used in our operations, and by reducing our carbon footprint in the value chain by using more recycled and biobased materials. We also support our clients by developing innovative, more sustainable products and solutions that facilitate a circular economy.

Nolato endeavors to contribute to sustainable development by producing and marketing products and services in a way that minimizes the environmental impact and contributes to a more sustainable future. We support a preventive approach to environmental challenges and aim to help ensure that ecosystems and biodiversity are protected for future human generations. In summary, this means:


Continual improvements

  • Environmental and sustainability responsibility should be an integral part of Nolato’s business offering and strategy, planning and budget process.
  • We continually improve our environmental performance by implementing and monitoring objectives, targets and action plans. 
  • We approach environmental issues systematically, and all production units should have certified ISO 14001 environmental management systems. Acquired companies should obtain ISO 14001 certification within two years.
  • Whenever there is a change of process, plants and products, we should use the opportunity to make environmental improvements.
  • We encourage suppliers to approach environmental issues systematically and to implement both quality management and environmental management systems.


Legal and other requirements

  • We identify and ensure compliance with relevant environmental laws and other requirements.
  • We identify requirements and expectations from customers and other stakeholders well in advance and have relevant long-term planning in place for new legislation.
  • We exceed the requirements of environmental legislation and aim to be well prepared for the introduction of new legislation.


Preventive principle

  • We take precautions regarding the environmental and health effects of our processes, products and services, apply the preventive principle, and focus on long-term goals.
  • We assess environmental aspects and risks continually, and take relevant preventive and mitigating measures to support a circular economy and efficient use of resources.
  • During the acquisition and divestment of businesses and properties, sustainability risk analyses should be carried out as a part of the due diligence process.


Resource efficiency

  • Our operations should be distinguished by increasingly resource-efficient use of energy, water, raw materials and other natural resources.
  • We should monitor and optimize the consumption of water, energy and raw materials, use resources efficiently, and increase our use of recycled materials to contribute to sustainable development and a circular economy.


Climate change

  • We evaluate how climate change impacts our business model and strive to reduce our carbon footprint.
  • We help combat global warming by improving energy efficiency, increasing the use of renewable energy, and encouraging suppliers and business partners to join us in these efforts.
  • We support the Paris Agreement and set ambitious Science Based Targets for our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, both in our operations and throughout our value chain, and encourage suppliers and business partners to do the same. 


Waste, emissions and chemicals

  • Waste and emissions from all sites, including from production and other activities, should be minimized.
  • We should reuse or recycle waste material to the greatest and most relevant extent possible.
  • We endeavor to avoid unnecessary waste, scrap and emissions, including greenhouse gas emissions.
  • We reduce environmental, health and safety risks associated with the use of hazardous chemicals in manufacturing processes and products.
  • We apply best practices to minimize risks of pollution of air, soil and groundwater.


Products and services

  • Environmental impacts related to the products we make and services we perform should be minimized.
  • We provide safe and sustainable products and services that meet or exceed our customers’ expectations.
  • We are aware of and address conflicts that may arise between meeting commercial needs and protecting nature’s resources.
  • We assess environmental and health and safety aspects in the development process for our products and services, supporting the efficient use of resources and a circular economy.
  • We consider environmental and health factors when deciding on raw materials, sources of energy, chemical products, packaging materials and distribution methods, and whenever there is a change in processes, plants and products.


Research and development

  • We aim to develop environmentally sound technologies, products and services.
  • We endeavor to contribute to a circular economy by having a clear aim of replacing fossil-based materials with renewable options and increasing our offer of bio-based and recycled polymer raw materials.
  • We seek out and evaluate alternative renewable materials in collaboration with suppliers and customers, and proactively and continually offer customers alternative materials.

Download or read our brochures


Nolato Annual Report with sustainability report


The Nolato Spirit


Nolato's Code of Conduct


Nolato's Supplier Code of Conduct


Sustainability reports from 2012 and forward


Nolato Magasin versions from 2015 and forward