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Social responsibility

We strive to create workplaces where we are proud to work, where our actions and behavior are governed by the principles of ethics, integrity and respect for human rights, sound labor practices and good working conditions.

We are committed to the protection of human rights, sound labor practices, high health and safety standards, and good working conditions wherever we operate. Our relationships with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders  are characterized by respect for human rights and sound business ethics. In summary, this means: 


Respecting human rights

  • We are committed to the protection of human rights wherever we operate, and comply with applicable legal requirements and regulations.
  • We treat all people with fairness, dignity and respect.
  • We assess the risk of human rights impacts, and we act to prevent them within our supply chain.
  • We do not allow children under compulsory school age (15 or older in some countries) to work for Nolato. Potentially hazardous work may not be carried out by anyone under the age of 18.
  • We do not tolerate child labor, illegal, forced or compulsory labor, modern slavery or human trafficking.


Health and safety: Working conditions

  • We are committed to and promote safe and healthy working conditions wherever we operate.
  • A minimum requirement for all locations is to maintain safe workplaces according to common global standards. 
  • We do not compromise on health and safety, and aim for zero work accidents.
  • All employees are required to follow safety instructions. 
  • We monitor physical, chemical and other parameters at workplaces, where relevant.
  • For health and safety reasons, we do not accept employees being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs at work.
  • We strive to create an open safety culture where everyone can provide feedback and make observations about safe and unsafe behavior and conditions in a constructive way. 
  • We promote a positive work environment, and encourage and support activities that promote the good physical and mental health of employees.


Health and safety: Continual improvements 

  • We take a systematic approach to creating a safe and secure work environment, and introduce and encourage implementation of certified health and safety management systems (ISO 45001) where relevant.
  • We continually improve our health and safety performance by implementing and monitoring objectives, targets and action plans.
  • All employees are required to engage in safety improvement actions and activities, including the reporting of hazards and near-misses.
  • Whenever there is a change in processes, products and plants, we should use the opportunity to make health and safety improvements. 
  • We continually minimize risks at source, reducing the need for personal protective equipment.


Health and safety: Legal and other requirements

  • We identify and ensure compliance with applicable legal and other requirements related to health, safety and emergency procedures.
  • We identify and address new requirements from employees, customers and other stakeholders in our long-term planning.
  • We exceed the requirements of health and safety legislation.

Health and safety: Preventive principle

  • We continually assess health and safety risks and take preventive and mitigating measures.
  • We endeavor to prevent all work accidents, we proactively reduce the risk and effects of work accidents, and we involve our employees in this process.
  • We offer employees appropriate training and instructions to ensure safe work.
  • The ergonomic conditions of workplaces should be assessed and, where relevant, plans to reduce the risk of long-term injuries should be in place.

Health and safety: Chemicals

  • We are committed to the safe management of chemicals. 
  • We aim to stop using hazardous chemicals or replace them with less hazardous ones and, if this is not possible, we take action to reduce risk.
  • We should provide material safety data sheets in a language that is understood by our employees and maintain a list of all chemicals at each site.

Health and safety: Machinery and equipment

  • To prevent injuries and ensure safe use, machines and other equipment should be equipped with the necessary safety devices. Inspections should be carried out by authorized organizations, according to legal or other requirements.
  • Before operating machinery and equipment or carrying out potentially hazardous work, employees should be given adequate and necessary safety training. A description and record of all training should be available.

Health and safety: Emergency planning

  • All sites, during all shifts, should make first-aid equipment available to employees and ensure adequate stocks of first-aid equipment.
  • Site emergency plans, based on identified risks and established procedures for dealing with emergencies, should be developed and implemented.
  • Emergency plans should include emergency scenarios, potential hazards, evacuation procedures and defined responsibilities and roles during emergencies.


Diversity and inclusion 

  • We are committed to and encourage diversity and inclusion in our teams and workplaces. 
  • We believe inclusion and diversity contribute to high performance, as well as to attracting, developing and maintaining talent.
  • We treat everyone with respect and offer equal opportunities.
  • We aim to achieve a mix of genders, ages and ethnicities in our business and to increase the share of female managers.
  • We do not treat employees differently because of their gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political views, social background or ethnic origin.
  • Employment or assignment decisions must always be based on individual merit and business needs.
  • We offer our employees training in diversity issues, including respect and awareness of cultural differences.
  • We endeavor to make all employees feel involved in the organization, and encourage them to achieve their full potential.
  • Everyone is responsible for creating an inclusive and diverse workplace.

Zero tolerance of discrimination and harassment

  • We do not tolerate any discrimination or any form of disrespectful or intimidating behavior, harassment, bullying, unwanted sexual advances, or threats.
  • We offer employees training and actively encourage and promote equal treatment and non-discrimination.

Labor practices and conditions 

  • We recognize the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. In locations where this is restricted in some way, we do not hinder alternative forms of independent and free employee representation.
  • Salaries, overtime compensation and benefits should be competitive and in line with industry standards, and we apply the principle of equal pay for equal work.
  • Working hours, vacation and parental leave are based on local national legislation, industry standards and collective agreements.
  • Employees have the right to at least one day off in seven, whatever country they work in.
  • All employees should be familiar with the basic conditions and terms of employment.

Development opportunities 

  • We aim to have a culture in which employees develop and set tomorrow’s standards by acquiring, transferring and creating skills.
  • We offer employees opportunities to develop their professional skills and abilities.
  • All employees should have an individual performance plan, including goals and development, as well as an individual performance discussion and follow-up. Managers should review progress, coach employees and provide feedback.
  • Employee surveys are carried out regularly with the aim of improving and ensuring great workplaces.

Download or read our brochures


Nolato Annual Report with sustainability report


The Nolato Spirit


Nolato's Code of Conduct


Nolato's Supplier Code of Conduct


Sustainability reports from 2012 and forward


Nolato Magasin versions from 2015 and forward