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Contact person/s

Glenn Svedberg

Glenn Svedberg

Group Sustainability & Technology Director


We drive and promote the sustainable practices of our suppliers

Our approach to our suppliers is characterized by our commitment to drive and promote their sustainable practices through clear requirements, collaboration and encouragement.

We present two different focus areas & specific claims;

  • Supplier collaboration
  • Sustainable Procurement Initiative

We promote the sustainability of our value chain through close collaboration and clear expectations

We promote the sustainability of our value chain through maintaining close and long-standing ties with our suppliers. By clearly stipulating our expectations and following up on their work, we ensure productive collaborations built on mutual trust.


Supplier Code of Conduct

Through our Supplier Code of Conduct, we require that our suppliers are committed to identifying, preventing, mitigating, and accounting for adverse environmental, human rights and governance impacts in their own operations and supply chains.  

Ensuring compliance

We conduct audits or assessments to ensure compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct and we take appropriate steps when necessary. To promote and ensure their compliance with our requirements, we work closely with our suppliers to, for example, implement ISO14001. We reserve the right to discontinue relationships for non-adherence to international principles, failure to correct violations, or displaying patterns of non-compliance with these standards or our Code.  

Contract management

We have an arsenal of comprehensive contractual templates that cover most types of purchases and include specific sections pertaining to sustainability. These lay the foundation for how we ensure that our requirements are clearly conveyed to the suppliers with whom we choose to engage.


Nolato's Supplier Code of Conduct


Nolato's Code of Conduct


The Nolato Spirit


We motivate and award our suppliers for their responsible conduct and reducing climate impact

By acknowledging and awarding their achievements within the areas of responsible conduct and climate impact, we motivate our suppliers and help them grow their business with Nolato.

Badges within our procurement inititative
Ensuring compliance through engagement

By nominating our suppliers for their work, we seek to motivate and engage our supply chain in reducing their climate impact, encourage them to purchase renewable electricity as well as setting science-based climate targets, and to ensure that their business conduct is in line with Nolato Supplier Code of Conduct. Nominations give high-performing suppliers increased visibility across the Group, granting them the opportunity to grow their business with Nolato. 

Climate Committed Supplier

By considering their commitment to the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), we determine the climate commitment of our suppliers. 

Green Energy Supplier

By considering their extent of renewable energy sourcing, we encourage our suppliers to increase their share of renewable energy use. 

Responsible Supplier

By considering their potential EcoVadis rating, we determine the responsible conduct of our suppliers.

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