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High EcoVadis rating for Nolato Cerbo

For the second time in a row Nolato Cerbo has year 2020 been rated Gold under the criteria of EcoVadis’ system for assessing companies’ sustainability efforts. Nolato Cerbo received even more points than last time, placing it in the top two percent of the best companies globally. The company gained the best result of any company in the plastics sector. 

EcoVadis’ assessment is based on management system indicators and criteria on the environment, working conditions, human rights, ethics and sustainable purchasing. EcoVadis is an internationally recognized organization working with sustainability and has developed an assessment methodology that’s used by approximately 65,000 companies worldwide. The methodology is based on international principles and standards, including the UN Global Compact and the ISO 26000 social responsibility standard. 

“Our sustainability work is a key part of our day-to-day operations and it’s great to have our efforts recognized by external assessors,” says Glenn Svedberg, Managing Director of Nolato Cerbo. “Issues such as carbon footprint, a circular economy and good business ethics have become increasingly important for our customers. High ratings from EcoVadis clearly strengthen our position and encourage further work in this area.” 


  • Nolato Cerbo
  • Pharma packaging
  • Pharma
  • Medical Excellence
  • Sustainability
  • Medical Solutions

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