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John Castle at Nolato PPT

John Castle

EMC shielding

How are seams and joint lines sealed?

Joints should be regarded as permanent or temporary (permitting occasional access). Permanents joints and seams should be welded, soldered, or conductively bonded with a special adhesive. If screws or rivets are employed, particular attention should be given to gaps and bulges between the mating surfaces. Ideally these should be gasketed and should even contain ‘limit stops’ inside the gaskets to prevent distortion of the mating surfaces.

When deciding on the type of joint to be employed, many factors should be considered;


  • Performance (i.e. shielding level)
  • Classification A,B,C (regularity of opening)
  • Condition of mating surfaces
  • Method of fixing the gaskets
  • Relationship of flange design and closing force
  • Environmental or hermetic sealing requirements
  • Resistance to corrosion and vibration
  • Operating temperature range
  • EMP protection required?
  • COST



  • Nolato PPT
  • EMC products
  • Engineered Solutions