Social responsibility at Nolato centers around our employees, ensuring that they are healthy and safe in their work environment. We are working against discrimination of all sorts but with a focus on gender equality. Last but not least, we value and encourage the personal development of our employees. Read more about how we treat our employees and our social responsibility work here.
Even though social responsibility is of immense importance for a company working with the development and production of plastic products, the ecological aspect of sustainability is key and therefore at the forefront of our sustainability work. We at Nolato are determined to offer our customers the opportunity to have and sell a sustainable plastic product. In order to make this a reality, we have to tackle the challenge of sustainability on multiple fronts. In our Story archive, you can find a series of articles focused on our sustainability work and what sustainable options we have available for our customers at this point in time.
The subjects covered in the articles cover decisions that impact the entire product life cycle – decisions that we at Nolato make regarding energy-efficient equipment, what energy we use, and how we handle and reduce our waste. And decisions that we leave, with some encouragement, to our customers regarding which material to use or how to design the product. Our materials of choice are bio-based plastics and degranulated recycled plastic and we want to design products that are easy to recycle at the end of their life cycles.
As of now, making environmentally friendly decisions is sometimes correlated with higher costs. However, our view is that these extra costs are well worth it. We believe that sustainability is the future and that the companies that know this and work accordingly will have a lot to gain. Nolato knows this and is determined to be an attractive business partner for any company wanting to make that change.