Nolato - We support the Sustainable Development Goals
The UN presented its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2017, as part of its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 17 goals provide a clear and useful framework for addressing global challenges, and they have had a huge impact on society. Businesses are expected to contribute by adopting responsible business practices, providing transparent reporting of their own targets and outcomes and developing products and services that foster sustainable development. The UN Sustainable Development Goals help Nolato identify key areas within sustainable development, and the Group has highlighted ten goals that are clearly relevant to our business. With these goals as a starting point, Nolato can see opportunities to reduce our environmental impact and create business opportunities.
Minimizing Nolato’s use of resources and its carbon footprint is key to achieving our targets. We accomplish this by working with innovation, efficiency improvements, investments in new technology, greater use of renewable energy, and initiatives focusing on bio-based and recycled plastics. The UN Sustainable Development Goals also provide inspiration for measures on social responsibility, social engagement and business ethics.