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Glenn Svedberg

Glenn Svedberg

Group Sustainability & Technology Director


Nolato establishes a non-ethical business exclusion policy

Nolato has developed and established a group-wide policy for the exclusion of non-ethical products.

Our policy how to ensure that the products we manufacture are not used in non-ethical applications

To conduct our business operations in a socially responsible and ethical way is fundamental for us. As part of this commitment, we recognize the importance of ensuring that the products we manufacture are not used in non-ethical applications.

To assess this, clear criteria are required to determine if new business opportunities are not in line with our values and ethical standards. Therefore, Nolato’s group management and board have developed and established a group-wide policy for the exclusion of unethical products.

The policy applies to all products and services offered by Nolato. They must meet our ethical standards, which means, among other things, that their use should cause harm to individuals, society, or the environment. The use of them should also not violate internationally recognized regulations, human rights, or labor standards.

Before entering new or expanded business, Nolato will conduct a review of the intended products to assess their ethical implications. This review will consider factors such as environmental impact, human rights, labor practices, and potential harm to society. If the products are deemed unethical, Nolato reserves the right to exclude them or not accept the business.

Non-ethical include products associated with illegal activities, human rights abuses, environmental harm, and corruption. Nolato can also exclude a product if the customer appoints a subcontractor who does not accept Nolato's code of conduct.

According to the policy, products and services delivered to customers in the tobacco industry or for military use may constitute less than five percent each of the Group’s revenues. Products and services related to registered pharmaceutical products will always be viewed as ethical products. 

Nolato’s employees will receive training on the new policy, particularly those involved in client relationships and new business, to ensure they understand and uphold the policy. 

The policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its relevance in relation to current social and environmental issues.

Download the complete policy as pdf-file