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Contact person/s

Glenn Svedberg

Glenn Svedberg

Group Sustainability & Technology Director


Creating sustainable solutions

Nolato has a long tradition of responsible business conduct and caring about people and the environment is a natural element of our work.

Contributing to a more sustainable society

By advising our customers on their sustainability journey, we are contributing to a more sustainable society. With our holistic approach to the design process, our suppliers and our own production, we aim to be our customer’s first choice of innovative partner in sustainable design and production.
Nolato sustainability logo build-up

For Nolato, sustainable development means:

An integral part of Nolato's overarching strategy

Nolato’s sustainable development strategy is an integral part of Nolato’s overarching strategy for profitable growth and is based on the Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is focused on addressing challenges in the near future, while equipping ourselves to respond to future expectations and requirements.

Preventive measures 

Nolato should be the experts regarding the impact of our business on people, the environment and society. Risks and costs can be reduced through preventive measures, risk analysis and investments in modern technology.

Preventive measures, a risk-based approach and assessments are also integral parts in our supply chain management ensuring compliance to Nolato´s Supplier Code of Conduct.

Reduction of carbon emissions

Nolatos climate strategy focuses on three pillars; 1) To reduce emissions from own operations; 2) Reduce emissions in the value chain and engage our suppliers in reducing their emissions; 3 Active strategic role in customer projects using our Eco-Design principles.

Long-term commitment

Nolato’s commitment to sustainable development has its origins in fundamental work within health and safety and the environment. In the 1990s, Nolato was quick to introduce certified environmental management systems (ISO 14001) at its production plants.

In the 2000s, work was developed and intensified in several areas to include a clearer strategy and long-term sustainable development targets. This included sustainability work linked to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Responsibility and transparency

Nolato complies with international guidelines, principles and standards for sustainable development, including being a signatory to the UN Global Compact. The long-term targets set out the road map for our sustainability work and our progress and setbacks are reported transparently, according to international standards for sustainability reporting. Read more about Nolato’s long-term sustainable development goals.

New business opportunities

We generate environmental and business benefits by developing innovative own and customer products with a smaller carbon footprint.
Swedish landscape

our approach to design

We push for sustainability already at the drawing board

Our approach to design is that we push for sustainability already at the drawing board, where we contribute with our extensive knowledge and expertise. Thereby, we strive to ensure that various environmental and ethical aspects are considered at the beginning of a product’s life cycle.

We present three different focus areas & specific claims;

  • Our Eco-Design Model
  • Improving circular flows
  • Ensuring ethical use 

Our approach to design

Screen showing virtual prototyping

our approach to suppliers

We drive and promote the sustainability practices of our suppliers 

Our approach to our suppliers is characterized by our commitment to drive and promote their sustainable practices through clear requirements, collaboration and encouragement.

We present two different focus areas & specific claims;

  • Supplier collaboration
  • Sustainable Procurement Initiative

Our approach to suppliers

2 men shaking hands


We create the conditions that help our customers become more sustainable

Our approach to production is based on our critical role in our customers’ value chain and our recognition that the way we operate ultimately has an impact on the sustainability of their business. Consequently, by ensuring that our production is run in an environmentally and socially responsible way, we create the conditions that help our customers become more sustainable.

We present three different focus areas & specific claims;

  • Our Environmental responsibility
  • Our social responsibility
  • Operational Excellence 

Our approach to production

Employee in clean room production

Strategy and targets

One of the key strategic issues for Nolato is to reduce the carbon footprint from raw materials, production plants and products, along with preparing ourselves for the impact of climate change on the value chain. Our energy and climate targets are therefore demanding with a long-term perspective. In addition to that – with the ambition to cover all material issues – we have established a number of sustainability targets and indicators. 

for sustainable development

Nolato's target support the UN's 2030 Agenda

Nolato’s sustainability targets support Agenda 2030 and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  

  • Nolato supports UN Global Compact, which aims to clarify the commitment to operating in accordance with 10 principles on human rights, labor law, the environment and anti-corruption. 
  • Nolato has linked the Group’s goals with seven of the UN Sustainable Development Goals to clarify our contribution to a more sustainable society.

You can find more details in our Sustainability report (see below) included in our Annual Report.

Sustainable goals

Sustainable reading


Sustainability reports from 2012 and forward


The Nolato Spirit


Nolato's Code of Conduct

Sustainability-related information


Nolato establishes a non-ethical business exclusion policy

To conduct our business operations in a socially responsible and ethical way is fundamental for us. As part of this, we recognize the importance of ensuring that the products we manufacture are not used in non-ethical applications.


EU taxonomy for sustainable investments

The taxonomy for environmentally sustainable investments is one of the measures in the EU Action Plan for Financing Sustainable Growth.


Nolato and TCFD

The aim of TCFD is to develop recommendations for voluntary and consistent reporting of climate-­related financial risks and opportunities.


Nolato´s eco-design model

Nolato’s eco-design model aims to optimize a product’s overall environmental impact.


95% of Nolato's carbon dioxide emissions are indirect and fall within Scope3

The result of the Scope 3 analysis is essential information to establish science-based emissions targets for the business and for the targets to be approved by SBTi.

Sustainability related stories


Analysis slashes water consumption

Through a comprehensive operational efficiency plan, Nolato MediTor has significantly reduced water and energy usage in the production of dip-molded breathing bags.


Sustainability in the drug delivery industry

An interview with Glenn Svedberg around the role and importance of sustainability in the drug delivery industry, and how Nolato Group has approached implementing this critical aspect of the modern industry landscape.


Awarded gold medal in sustainability review

2024, Nolato was awarded a Gold Medal by EcoVadis, placing us in the top 4% of over 130,000 companies assessed globally for sustainability!